Jean Coat Rack
We want to bring back to life a rare and perhaps now forgotten, seemingly insignificant piece of furniture. From the very beginning of the design, we built on simple geometric shapes, aiming for a clean and puritan look. All this so that the furniture itself represents quality, but still tries to be invisible.
The furniture was created as part of the Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency, design LAB incubation program.
Client: Concept
Photo: HFDA

Jean Coat Rack
We want to bring back to life a rare and perhaps now forgotten, seemingly insignificant piece of furniture. From the very beginning of the design, we built on simple geometric shapes, aiming for a clean and puritan look. All this so that the furniture itself represents quality, but still tries to be invisible.
The furniture was created as part of the Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency, design LAB incubation program.
Client: Concept
Photo: HFDA